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Aquila Grayscale


Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
Hand-dipped and sun-dried. The scent of Frankincense is typically described as piney and lemony mixed with a sweet, woody aroma. Myrrh has a slightly earthy scent that some describe the scent similar to black licorice. 20 sticks per pack. HISTORY Stemming from the Latin word incendere (‘to burn’), incense refers to an aromatic arrangement of natural fibers—think resin, wood, and herbs—shaped into sticks, spirals, and cones. The practice of burning incense is an ancient art, with many historians tracing the activity back to classical Egypt and parts of Asia. BENEFITS - USE Light the top of the incense at a slight angle. Allow the flame to burn for five seconds then blow to extinguish. Incense will burn on its own. Incense stick will burn for approximately one hour.